Special Radio Show: A Fascinating Way to Shift the World 

Special Radio Show: A Fascinating Way to Shift the World 

I am doing something special on my radio show on Monday, Nov 16, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. The first part of the show, I am taking calls and giving free psychic readings. The second part of the show, we will discuss what is happening on the planet and what we can do to shift the energy. We’ll also be doing a brief meditation so I hope you join us for this special and important show. We have the power to make a difference. Please join us! Tell your friends so we can create a powerful resonance. It’s time to create big changes!

If you would like a psychic reading or add to the discussion on the show, you can call in at 866-564-1290 (or in Santa Barbara, call 564-1290) on Monday, 5pm PT. You can listen on www.localhost/auracolors or 1290 AM in SB. Thank you, Pam

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